We’re thrilled to share that Vicimus has successfully acquired AIM (Automotive Intelligence Marketing) and BSE (Bullseye Sales Events). This strategic move marks a significant milestone in our journey, reinforcing our commitment to growth and innovation within the Automotive Industry.

Bullseye Sales Events is a marketing & Private Sales Company responsible for supporting Automotive Dealers across Canada with custom tailored Sales & Marketing Events. Having supported Dealers across Canada with thousands of special events, they take great pride in their ability to meet the dealer at their level of need.

Automotive Intelligence Marketing is a strategic SaaS and value added service reseller supporting retail Automotive Dealers in both sales, service, and parts! Having researched, developed and deployed key software and services amongst hundreds of Automotive Dealers, AIM provided immediate custom tailored solutions that provided tangible ROI for their clients ensuring they experienced real impact in real-time.The acquisition of both these companies are a testament to our dedication to continuous improvement and our strategic focus on expanding our capabilities to all automotive dealers across North America and our continued expansion Internationally.

In addition to these acquisitions, we will be welcoming several talented individuals from both companies to the Vicimus family. Their expertise within the automotive industry, innovative thinking, and desire to support automotive dealers will be invaluable as we continue to strive for excellence and deliver outstanding results for our clients.

Craig Hooghiem


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