Scaled Solutions for the Powersports and Independent Markets

Best in Class Service and Priority Performance Management for every client in every category!
We've been in your stores, attended NIADA conventions, and understand your frustrations. While many vendors offer only one all-or-nothing version of their products, presenting a take-it-or-leave-it proposition, we here at Vicimus have taken to heart the importance of being a valued partner for Independent and Powersports dealers. We recognize that to meet your needs, we must be the vendor willing to be as flexible in budget and offerings as we are in our technology solutions!

Our PSI Package allows Powersports and Independent dealers to build out customized bundles, encompassing only the specific applications that will make an impact and provide essential ROI for their business.
How Many Hats Do You Wear?
How can a Partner that takes some of your marketing and communication duties off your hands affect your daily schedule?
No Skimping on Support
No matter the size or type of dealership everyone gets dedicated performance support.
A-La-Carte Bundles
Only pay for what you need with our special PSI packages.
Ask About Our PSI Sushi Menu
Special Pricing Options for PSI dealers without long term contracts.
We Thrive Helping Our Clients Succeed
We get it - ALL OF THEM!
That's why you should choose Vicimus
Operating an independent dealership is not a venture for the faint of heart. It requires massive focus and flexibility, where every dollar spent must have a return on investment, especially when selecting a vendor to partner with.
When it comes to Marketing and Technology solutions, a vendor with experience that will take the wheel for you, as we do here at VICIMUS, can make all the difference!
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